Planet Waves
Health Horoscope

A Six-Month

'Mayan Isis'
by Carlos Cedillo

By Eric Francis

*Astrology has historically been an imortant part of medical practice, though from an official standpoint it's strictly folklore at this date in galactic unfoldment. In my trek across the bookshelves and healing tables of life, I've noticed that astrology fits an energy pattern that makes it cousins with acupuncture, homeopathy and certain forms of therapy that are based on the experience and movement of energy. At its most basic, astrology tells us a story about ourselves, one which is highly interpreted by the astrologer to an equally subjective and original version of you & your chart. What you'll read here, however, are general readings of the Harmonic Concordance chart working with certain asteroids of the Asclepius class, of course Chiron and the general trends of things.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Aries is the very image of vitality, but you’re a little more like an Italian sports car than you are like a Mercedes diesel. That is, high performance and high maintenance. You can’t always depend on the mechanic. Carry your tools with you: the homeopathic remedies, herbs, medications, supplements, dental floss, water, and a little food cache—or anything you might need. (I also suggest ear plugs, condoms, and a small spray bottle of witch hazel astringent as a part of every 21st century health care kit). You can actually take care of yourself, but you need to respond to your needs as soon as you become aware of them.

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Taurus (April 19-May 20)
There is no separation between your health, your well-being and your quality of life. This is why stress is especially debilitating for you and a loving environment is especially helpful. Sure, it’s helpful, but you may not have figured out now absolutely necessary it is. Those born under your sign are said to like comfort and value their stuff. I say go for clear energy and a clean space. Purge the ghosts of the past with soap and hot water behind the refrigerator and inside the globes of light fixtures. Get a Feng Shui consultation. Save for a new bed. You won’t believe you waited so long. Your state of health will reflect your environment impeccably.

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Gemini (May 20-June 21)
There is a difference between aggression and passion, though the two energies are closely related. You might say that the difference is how they impact your health. Festering anger is by far the greatest health risk of our culture, and you are especially sensitive. Passion is the healthy expression of the same quality. It has a more evenly distributed feeling and can be shared cooperatively. Both are hot and fiery, but they have entirely different effects on your relationships, including those at work. In sum, that which divides you from people also fragments and weakens you. That which weaves, mends, and builds community strengthens your body and your soul.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Much disease is ultimately the result of ignorance, and good information can point to the cure. Here’s an exercise. Make a list of any health issue that in any way troubles you, whether you know its proper name or not. Then begin a full-on investigation, using resources from off-the-shelf health guides to Google to a health sciences library. Take the time to do this well; it may take three months or more. Once you have some solid information, seek opinions of both mainstream and alternative practitioners, engaging them in informed discussions. These will lead to more information and, soon enough, will point to some obvious choices.

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Leo (July 22-Aug 23)
In the last edition of this horoscope, I suggested that you seek the assistance of an osteopath or other practitioner who works on the skeletal structure. Presently the charts appear to be suggesting that a combination of soft-tissue and skeletal work will be of rather awesome help, particularly in releasing fear and anxiety that have taken up residence in your body as well as your thoughts and emotions. Fear is an enormous waste of life force and a poor source of creative energy. But it’s also about the biggest origin of discomfort on the planet, and releasing some of it will point you to the state which in Spanish is called bienestar.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
You have outgrown your prior ideas of yourself, but you’ve also outgrown everything you thought you knew about what was good for you. This is to say, it’s time to update your health and well-being files. You’re presently a living magnet for information that will help not just you but those around you. In terms of concrete health advice, one thing I would propose is that no matter what you think may be going on, it’s not as bad as you imagine. There is the potential for exaggeration of what you think symptoms mean. Conversely, every symptom is telling you something; it is a message. Spend some time interpreting and you’ll know exactly how to take care of yourself.

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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
While one’s health picture is determined by many factors in the chart, Libra is one of the most sensitive signs as far as well-being is concerned. But that means you’re also one of the most responsive, and respond is precisely what you need to do. Something or someone does not belong in your environment. You’re likely to be confused whether it’s supposed to be serving you, or you’re supposed to be serving it. In reality, neither is true. If you make a conscious series of decisions, what is apparent is that you will benefit enormously from the conscious choice to help yourself.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Western medicine does not work with many ideas that sound like "take care of your blood," but that would be sound medicine right now. Fortunately, holistic medicine, including Chinese medicine, has a lot to say about this particular issue. Strong blood supports all your physical and emotional systems. Blood is mostly water; water is the one thing it’s difficult to overdo. Did you know that green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants? Did you know that red clover tea flushes out the organs that clean your blood? Ask an herbalist.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
You are an intense person, no less so for the fact of Pluto’s long-term presence in your sign and Mars still heating up your house of emotions. Easy does it. Diffuse your energy and you will feel better. Diffuse means relax, but it also means distribute your energy more evenly throughout the different aspects of your life. Pace yourself. Please give up this idea of being afflicted by the requirement for perpetual service of others. Try to find one person to whom you can explain exactly what you need with the full confidence they will respond.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Anything that has the power to help you can also hurt you. Look carefully at what is intended to offer you assistance in your life and work to mitigate any negative effects that it might be delivering as well. This includes carefully evaluating people who are in the role of healer in your life. They may be very confident in themselves and in reality be truly competent; it is your responsibility to see their shortcomings or those of their methodology. No health problem should be addressed by just one practitioner. Two expert opinions are closer to the truth than one.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
Your social environment is a potential source of negative energetic influence, and your work place is a close second. The last thing you need is people undermining your sense of confidence and purpose. Let me put it in language a dog will understand. If people feed you, they love you. That is the test. If you accept their nourishment, you are healthy. If you’re struggling with this, make a project of receiving what is offered to you. If you are not truly supported in your work environment, do yourself a favor and find a new one. That will be easier than you think, if you act sooner rather than later.

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
While you’re in the process of redesigning your world to your liking, I suggest you create a list of what, in your highest ideal, you would have supporting your health. With Pisces (as with just about everyone else, but especially for you) prevention is the best cure. Prevention is exercise, nutritional care, bodywork, and stress-reduction. I suggest you ignore the obstacles to these forms of help and trust that if you take action toward getting what you need, your choices will pay for themselves, and free up more than any energy and time you think they may take.

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