Planet Waves

New York, March 29, 2016 | View as Webpage | Order Your Vision Quest Reading

Planet Waves
Jocie Adams of Arc Iris is our musical guest this week. She'll be playing BSP in Kingston on Saturday, April 9, and if you're in the area or feel like traveling, you're invited to come as my guest. Call (845) 331-0355 to set that up.
This Week on Planet Waves FM
Personhood: Breakdown -- Breakthrough -- Breakfree

Dear Friend and Listener:

In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM [play episode here] I focus on two features associated with Aries: the conjunction of Uranus and Eris that is now under way, and Mars retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio. I link the two (they are joined, through Mars and Aries).

Planet Waves
Photo by Mike Francis.
In the first segment I read a few reader emails on the theme of personhood; that is, of becoming a person. These are positively brilliant short essays written by people who have been following these ideas as they develop in Planet Waves.

In the second segment, I talk about Mars in Sagittarius representing a process of questioning beliefs and "isms," and following that questioning process deep into the heart of Scorpio.

There, we meet the miracle of sexual reproduction and mortality -- the shuffling of the genetic code, the sacrifice of immortality, and the genetic script called senescence.

In the third segment, I propose a solution -- or at least a viable path -- on the sexual healing theme, recognizing how difficult it is to trust, and how healing must be directed inwardly first.

My musical guest is Arc Iris, who will be performing at BSP in Kingston (and throughout New England) in late March and April.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Designer: Lizanne Webb. Finance: Victoria Pomante. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Client Services: Robert Barnhill, Amy Elliott. Media Consultant: Andrew Marshall McLuhan. Research, Writing and Editing: In addition to those listed above, Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Amanda Moreno, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick.

Planet Waves

Aries Reading: Introducing Video Astrology!

Hey Aries -- need some guidance after the recent lunar eclipse across your horizon? Your 2016-17 video-audio birthday reading by Eric will help. Find out how to surf the Uranus-Eris wave and be at the forefront of the identity revolution. You may pre-order your reading today for just $19.97.

Planet Waves
While Eric is working on your video-audio Mars retrograde spring reading, we want to share two recent 12-sign audio presentations -- Good as Gold from 2014, and Astrology for Artists from 2015. These readings are designed to reach years into the future, and may have something to offer you now. The Mars retrograde reading will be ready in mid-April. You may pre-order it here.

This Week in the Lands of Planet Waves

Hello, dear friends -- this week we're presenting the highlights of the Planet Waves website in a brand new format. I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it. Amanda Painter will be back next week, after her well-earned vacation.

With love,
Planet Waves
Amy Elliott
Planet Waves Client Services

Planet Waves TV: Mars Retrograde Intro

Eric Francis explains the Mars retrograde starting next month, when Mars travels from Sagittarius back into Scorpio. You can learn more about what the Mars retrograde will mean for you in Eric's 2016 Spring Reading, which we'll publish before Mars changes direction on April 17. You can pre-order all 12 signs here.

Planet Waves
What's That Sound? Uranus Meets Eris in Aries

There is an astrological event brewing that happens this spring for the first time since 1927: a conjunction of two slow-moving outer planets called Uranus and Eris. You may recall that Eris became famous in 2006 when it precipitated the re-definition of a planet, leading to the 'demotion' of Pluto.

Planet Waves
After the Eclipse -- Amanda Painter

Amanda Painter takes the pulse of the eclipse-day energy and its immediate ripples, then takes a look at the Jupiter-Saturn square as it gets joined by Venus in Pisces Friday. The three planets make a mutable T-square with some intriguing qualities, which you have the opportunity to balance out.

Planet Waves
From the Inside Out -- Rob Moore

Rob Moore picks up on Eric's description of the upcoming Mars retrograde as a sexual transformation process from the inside out. His surprising poster child for such an evolution: Teddy Roosevelt, and the contrast between how he inhabited his body compared to his contemporaries.

Planet Waves
A Musical Eclipse -- Amanda Moreno

In addition to being medicine for Amanda Moreno's soul, music is perhaps her primary memory-trigger. This past week, the simple desire for music to accompany spring-clearing brought a wave of visceral, full-body memory of how enchanted and magical transformation can be.

Planet Waves
The Status Quo Bubble -- Judith Gayle

"You can't go back. It's one of those absolutes. Once Pandora's Box is open, it's open. We can turn our memory back to people and places, emotions and events, cherishing or condemning what was, but what is happening now, at this moment, is the only game in town. Being present in the moment takes a lot of moxie."

Planet Waves
Weekend Tarot Reading -- Sarah Taylor

"Remember: these are archetypes. They are not you, but they act through you. You cannot inhabit them entirely, you can never know them fully. They are aspects of a manifold psyche that hold the potential to come forward to deal with the matter at hand -- whatever matter that is that you are facing."

Planet Waves
You Can't Look Away -- Fe Bongolan

The Republican presidential candidates are apparently clambering over each other to reach the coveted nomination; and it's now been alleged Ted Cruz is having a few wild rides of his own. Fe Bongolan investigates.

Planet Waves
Emergence -- Len Wallick

Saturn stationed retrograde in Sagittarius last week; Mars will soon follow suit. In today's column, Len Wallick explains how you can use this double event to align yourself with the cosmos and refresh your reality.
Planet Waves

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