A Personal Message from Eric Francis


Dec. 22, 1998


Dear Friends & Readers Around the World:

First, I want to thank you for your kindness and attention to my ideas over the years, as well as your loving words of support and encouragement. After four years of evolving my astrological ideas, I am now moving onto a different mode of my writing, bringing the Star-Navigator project to a close and beginning a new project called Planet Waves.

Much of this new work will, for now, remain behind the scenes; but it includes a weekly column that will feature a combined monthly/weekly horoscope, response to reader questions and comments about the lively events of our day, and is also part of a larger project of bringing environmental news and sex-positive information to the world. This whole project will be contained on my new Internet page, www.PlanetWaves.net.

The worsening global environmental situation, increasing synthetic consumerism and the steady development of China, South America and Africa as throw-away societies, adds new threats to world ecological safety, on top of the serious-enough issues raised by genetic engineering and the nuclear arming of space. While America blows out its asinine rhetoric to justify the murder of the Iraqis, we remain the world's foremost developer -- and user -- of "weapons of mass destruction." Meanwhile, the entire government appears to be entangled in a sex scandal as the Christian Right again tries to wage war on privacy and pleasure, while God only knows what else is developing in the dark corners of Washington.

Yet as these pressures mount and strange events continue to unfold, we need to cultivate positive ways of experiencing life, and expressing art and desire and freedom and love. No matter what "they" say, this is your life.

Remember: Don't mourn. Organize.

In this spirit, and in my continuing effort to have fun and plant flowers, I will also be serving as a creative consultant to a new project called Luscious Photo, which specializes in intimate portraits and bringing sex-positive, genuinely erotic images into the world. This follows a developing theme in my writing, and is allowing me a means of visual expression as well as literary expression.

This is a stunning and exciting time to be alive, and I look forward to sharing this moment with you as we move out of the harbor of the past, across the brink to tomorrow. Keep your eyes wide, cousins. The chance won't come again.

I'll see you over at Planet Waves.


Peace and passion,
